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August 5, 2017: Workshop about inclusion of students with disabilities for over 60 teachers and administrators in Hyderabad, India

January 10, 2017: Snags, Bumps and Setbacks at IEP Meetings presented by Attorney Nora Belanger, sponsored by SPED*NET Wilton

Where:   SoNo Branch Norwalk Public Library, 10 Washington Street, Norwalk, Community Room
When:    6:30-8:30PM

April 26, 2016: Snags, Bumps and Setbacks at IEP Meetings presented by Attorney Nora Belanger 

Where:   Waveny House, 677 South Avenue, New Canaan, CT 06840
When:     April 26th at 10:00am
Cost:       Free
Contact: Anne Treimanis at

June 24, 2015: International Association of Special Education Biennial Conference, Wroclaw, Poland.  Ieva's Journey: Inclusion for ALL.  Co-presented with Attorney Anne Treimanis.

April 2, 2015:  Attorney Nora Belanger and Advocate Gerri Fleming offer an interactive round table discussion on "TRUTH  OR FICTION" in Special Education Law and Advocacy, 6:00 pm at the SoNo Library, 10 Washington St., Norwalk, CT 06854

March 9,2015: Navigating the Special Education Process - sponsored by Brookfield Septa, 7:30 pm at the Brookfield Library, 182 Whisconier Road, Brookfield, CT 06804.

March 12, 2015: What to Do When the School Says No  - IEPS for Success is pleased to announce a free program featuring Attorney Nora Belanger.  Attorney Belanger will lead a workshop helping parents overcome the obstacles often encountered in receiving services for children with learning disabilities and related disorders.  She will empower parents to assert their rights to a free and appropriate public education under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act - and to become a partner with the school district in designing an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), ensuring its implementation, and effectively tracking a child's progress. The program will be held from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, 1284 Strongtown Road, Southbury, CT 06488 .  RSVP to reserve your seat at or call 866-995-7262.

February 26, 2014: What to Do When the School Says No - Smart Kids with Learning Disabilities, Inc. is pleased to announce a free program featuring Attorney Nora Belanger. The program will be held from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the Westport Library-McManus Room, 20 Jesup Road, Westport, CT.  To register for this free program:, or call 203-226-6831.  Smart Kids with Learning Disabilities, Inc. is a Westport based national nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering the parents of children with learning disabilities and ADHD via its educational programs, website, and free e-newsletter available at

February 8, 2014: Making it Happen in Connecticut - Special Education Advocacy Workshop
Connecticut attorneys, Nora Belanger, Esq. and Anne Treimanis, Esq., will share the inside scoop on how to obtain FAPE. By attending this all day Saturday training, you will walk away with the knowledge and concrete strategies to improve your child's IEP.  Cost: $125 includes breakfast, lunch, and all materials. (STAR members $100) Online payments at or make payments out to STAR, Inc.
Sponsored by STAR, Inc., Lighting the Way - 182 Wolfpit Ave., Norwalk, CT 06851
Time: 9:00am-5:00pm, 8:15am to 9:am registration and breakfast.  Participation is limited to 30 parents, educators, advocates and providers so YOU MUST PREREGISTER.  Please call 203-846-9581 ext. 303 or email: Linda Snell at or Carmela Giuliani at

October 19 and November 2, 2013:  Understanding Special Education (USE) - Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Participants are required to attend both days at the STAR Center, 182 Wolfpit Avenue, Norwalk, CT.  The two lead presenters are Norwalk Special Education Attorneys Anne Treimanis and Nora Belanger.  Tuition is $150 or free to STAR Members/Donars who have joined at the $150 annual level.  This includes breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack.  USE is offered to parents, advocates and educators who want to be empowered with information on special education and other disability laws.  This training offers both basic information for "new" parents and in-depth cutting-edge information for seasoned participants.  Extensive material will be provided to participants. There will be suggested readings prior to each class.  Only 30 participants will be accepted!  To learn more about this program contact Linda Snell, Director of STAR's Family Services by email or Carmela Giuliani at 203-846-9581 x 303.

April 9, 2013: Wednesday, 10am - noon. "What to do When School Says "NO"  Attorney Belanger will focus on how to navigate the special education process when advocating for your child, including a discussion on your right to a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) under the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA). Included in this discussion will be the common pitfalls in the IEP process when attempting to resolve decisions about eligibility, evaluations, services and placements, tips about what to do when schools say "no" and ways to resolve disputes.  Held at the Waveny House, Waveny Park, New Canaan, CT. Refreshments served. Sponsored by SPED*NET, Special Education Network of New Canaan. RSVP to Judi Anders at or 203-801-0794. For more info on SPED*NET New Canaan, check For directions to the Waveny House, go to If New Canaan Public Schools are closed, the talk will be rescheduled.

March 23 and April 6, 2013: FAPE University is offered to parents, advocates, and educators who want to be empowered with information on special education and other disability laws. The training is on two Saturdays, March 23 and April 6, 2013, 9:00 to 4:00pm, and participants are required to attend on both days. This training offers both basic information for “new” parents and in-depth cutting-edge information for seasoned participants. Extensive material will be provided to participants. There will be suggested readings prior to each class. Only 40 participants will be accepted. The purpose of this training is to provide a state-of-the-art, comprehensive instructional course designed to supply parents of children with disabilities and educational professionals with the skills they need to negotiate the special education system. FAPE University will be the creation of a training infrastructure that will provide an ongoing training system for parents and education professionals. The two lead presenters are Attorney Anne Treimanis and Attorney Nora Belanger. Both attorneys have presented locally, nationally, and internationally. Attorney Treimanis and Attorney Belanger have facilitated 12 hour special education “boot camps.” Guest speakers will also be invited. The course is designed to be interactive and will use multi-sensory strategies.Tuition is $125. This includes all materials, as well as breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snack each day.FAPE University will arm each participant with the resources they need to make a major impact in the lives of people with disabilities. FAPE University is a 2 day course, 7 hours a day, with extensive and comprehensive materials. It is the intention of Attorney Treimanis and Attorney Belanger to teach this class at various universities across the United States.FAPE University is being co-sponsored by Abilis and also SPED*NET New Canaan. The workshop is being made possible by support from the Abilis Community Foundation.Please register online at Registration ends on March 15. The forms for registration by mail are available online and also attached to this email.Any questions, leave a message at Abilis at 203-324-1880   ext 329.

February 12, 2013: "What To Do When The School Says "NO"
Sponsored by the Bethel Special Education PTO from 6:30-8:30 pm, location to be announced. This presentation will focus on how to navigate the special education process when advocating for your child, including a discussion on your right to a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) under the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA). Included in this discussion will be the common pitfalls in the IEP process when attempting to resolve decisions about eligibility, evaluations, services and placements, tips about what to do when schools say "no" and ways to resolve disputes. Knowing your rights is the first step to securing an appropriate education!

December 6, 2012: Navigating the Special Education Process - Attorney Nora Belanger and Advocate Linda Talbert will explain parents' rights to a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). They will discuss how to navigate the process, beginning with the transition to the public school at age three. This will include an explanation of how a student is found eligible, the evaluation process and the development of an appropriate individualized education program (IEP). They will offer practical tips and resources to assist in the process of obtaining an appropriate program in the least restrictive environment (LRE); a continuum of placements which expands from the student's neighborhood classroom to outplacement in a private school. Finally, they will discuss the resolution process for parents when there is a dispute with the public school district about what is appropriate. Time: 7:00pm Location: Bi-Cultural Day School, 2186 High Ridge Road, Stamford, CT 06903 Desserts and refreshments will be served RSVP by 12/3/12 to Joanne Karow 203-329-2186 or (4 reservations available per organization)

October 23, 2012: What to do When School Says "NO" This presentation will focus on how to navigate the special education process when advocating for your child, including a discussion on your right to a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) under the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA). Included in this discussion will be the common pitfalls in the IEP process when attempting to resolve decisions about eligibility, evaluations, services and placements, tips about what to do when schools say "no" and ways to resolve disputes. Knowing your rights is the first step to securing an appropriate education! Hosted by Dr. Roseann Capanna-Hodge: 898 Ethan Allen Hwy, Suite 4, Ridgefield, CT 06877; Registration is not required but seating is limited. Please call 203-438-4848 or email

May 14, 2012: Attorney Nora Belanger and Linda Talbert, Special Education Advocate, will present What to Do When the School Says "No" sponsored by the Brookfield Special Education PTA at 7:00 pm at the Brookfield Public Library, 182 Whisconier Road, Community Room, Lower Level Entrance

May 14, 2012: Attorney Nora Belanger and Linda Talbert, Special Education Advocate, will present What to Do When the School Says "No" sponsored by the Brookfield Special Education PTA at 7:00 pm at the Brookfield Public Library, 182 Whisconier Road, Community Room, Lower Level Entrance

March 22, 2012:The LD Student in Transition: Students' Rights from High School Through College and Employment.  Attorneys Nora Belanger and Gary Phelan discussed advocacy for students with learning disabilities and ADHD from high school to college and the workplace. Location: Christ & Holy Trinity Church Great Room, 75 Church Lane, Westport, CT. Time: 7:00 to 9:00pm.

December 6, 2011: GETTING AND KEEPING An Appropriate Educational Program in Challenging Economic Times. Sponsored by Connecticut Association for Children and Adults w/LD (CACLD).

December 6, 2011: GETTING AND KEEPING An Appropriate Educational Program in Challenging Economic Times. Sponsored by Connecticut Association for Children and Adults w/LD (CACLD).

November 30, 2011: Participation in Mock IEP. Sponsored by the Milford SEPTA, Milford, CT. Script by Attorney Treimanis.

October 12, 2011: Participation in Mock IEP. Sponsored by the Fairfield SEPTA, Fairfield, CT. Script by Attorney Treimanis.

October 12, 2011: Participation in Mock IEP. Sponsored by the Fairfield SEPTA, Fairfield, CT. Script by Attorney Treimanis.

April 5, 2011: The Importance of an Individualized Education Program (IEP) and Parent Advocacy. Sponsored by Eagle Hill School, Greenwich, CT.

March 28, 2011: Creating an Effective Individualized Education Program (IEP). Sponsored by Smart Kids With Learning Disabilities.

March 28, 2011: Creating an Effective Individualized Education Program (IEP). Sponsored by Smart Kids With Learning Disabilities.

November 9, 2010: What To Do When The Schools Says No. Sponsored by Smart Kids with Learning Disabilities, Darien Library, Darien, CT.

November 9, 2010: What To Do When The Schools Says No. Sponsored by Smart Kids with Learning Disabilities, Darien Library, Darien, CT.

July 11 - 14, 2010: Embracing Inclusive Approaches for Children and Youth with Special Education Needs. International Conference sponsored by the Council for Exceptional Children. Presentation with Attorney Anne Treimanis on Ieva's Journey. Check Held in Riga, Latvia.

July 11 - 14, 2010: Embracing Inclusive Approaches for Children and Youth with Special Education Needs. International Conference sponsored by the Council for Exceptional Children. Presentation with Attorney Anne Treimanis on Ieva's Journey. Check Held in Riga, Latvia.

March 23, 2010: GETTING AND KEEPING An Appropriate Educational Program in Challenging Economic Times. The program will discuss easy steps to managing the parent/school district relationship to optimize the chances of your child receiving the appropriate program to which he is entitled. Held at the Waveny House in Waveny Park in New Canaan, CT. Sponsored by SPED*NET, Special Education Network of New Canaan, Ltd.

October 22, 2009: Maverick Minds Ruthann N. Short, MSW, LCSW, will host, Truths & Myths an Interactive Roundtable on Special Education. The program will address, inclusion, services, assistive technology, evaluations, behavior, social, and legal rights. Special Education Attorneys, Anne Treimanis and Nora Belanger will facilitate the Truths & Myths Roundtable. Ridgefield Community Center, Ridgefield, CT.

October 14, 2009: Getting the Right Program Using the IEP Process. Presented by special education Attorneys Anne Treimanis and Nora Belanger and special education advocate Gerri Fleming. The presenters are in the trenches every day representing students with disabilities who need meaningful access to the general education curriculum. Held at the Westport Public Library; Sponsored by WE BELONG and the CT Down Syndrome Congress.

October 7, 2009: Fact or Fiction, Know Your Rights Interactive Round Table Discussion held at Norwalk City Hall, 125 East Ave. Norwalk and co-sponsored by NorwalkSEEKS and Connecticut Association for Children and Adults w/LD (CACLD).  Attorney Belanger will present a streamlined, parent-friendly discussion of “Fact or Fiction” issues regarding parental rights and misconceptions regarding special education.  Attorney Belanger will also answer general audience member questions.

April 23, 2009: Mock IEP! 7:00 to 9:00 pm. Held at the Kennedy Center in Trumbull, CT. Entertaining and educational re-enactment of both a Nightmare IEP and a Dream IEP. All new script facilitated by Attorney Anne Treimanis.

January 15, 2009: Truths or Myths? Special Education Round Table. Co-presenter with Anne Treimanis, Esq. Sponsored by Maverick Minds, LLC and SPED-NOR. Ridgefield, CT.

October 22, 2008: Nora Belanger, Special Education Attorney Interactive Round Table Discussion on a variety of topics such as School-Performed Educational Evaluations and when to give consent, Independent Educational Evaluations, Least Restrictive Environment, and Positive Behavior Strategies, etc.  Attorney Belanger will answer general audience member questions.  The Round Table Discussion will be held at Norwalk City Hall, 125 East Ave., 3rd floor, Room 330, Norwalk and is co-sponsored by NorwalkSEEKS and Connecticut Association of Children and Adults with LD (CACLD). 

October 14, 2008: Getting the Right Program Using the IEP Process. Co-presented with Anne Treimanis, Esq. and special education advocate Gerri Fleming. SCOPES, Stamford Coalition of Parents of Exceptional Students, Inc. Stamford, CT.

June 21, 2008: Guest speaker for Understanding IDEA 2004. Families as Partners course, Stamford Public Schools.  Funded by CT Children's Trust Fund. Stamford, CT.

May 10, 2008: Participation in Mock IEP sponsored by Families as Partners course, Stamford Public Schools. Funded by CT Children's Trust Fund. Stamford, CT and facilitated by Attorney Anne Treimanis.

April 26, 2008: Guest speaker for Understanding IDEA 2004. Families as Partners course. Stamford Public Schools. Funded by CT Children's Trust Fund.

March 19, 2008: Panel discussions with Dr. Nancy Schwartz and other panelists for The Due Process Hearing in Special Education: A Landmark Case.  A panel discussion of one family's experience, and the professional support required, in their effort to obtain an appropriate educational program for their child.  Psychology Department, Yale Study Center, New Haven, CT.

December 5, 2007: Know Your Rights Under IDEA 2004: A discussion of Failure to Progress”, “FAPE (Free, Appropriate Public Education)” and other pertinent topics, presented by Attorney Nora Belanger  How many special ed kids in Connecticut are ‘failing to progress’ under IDEA 2004?  A child with an IEP (Individual Education Plan) under the Federal law, IDEA, has a legal ‘right to progress’.  What does that mean?  Under Federal law, what is considered a Free, Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)?  What rights do parents have?  What can they do about it?  Co-sponsored by and CACLD (CT Association for Children w/Learning Disabilities).

November 28, 2007: Participation in Mock IEP sponsored by Milford SEPTA. Milford, CT and facilitated by Attorney Anne Treimanis.

October 24, 2007: Participation in Mock IEP sponsored by Brainstorming LLC. Ridgefield, CT and facilitated by Attorney Anne Treimanis

May 16, 2007: Participation in Mock IEP sponsored by Scopes, Stamford, CT. and facilitated by Attorney Anne Treimanis.


April 27, 2007: Participation in Mock IEP sponsored by SPED*NET Wilton, Wilton, CT. and facilitated by Attorney Anne Treimanis


March 2007: Participation in Mock IEP sponsored by COPAA Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD. and facilitated by Attorney Anne Treimanis.


March 8, 2007: Understanding The Changes in IDEA 2004. Co-presented with Anne Treimanis, Esq. Trumbull Parents of Children with Learning Differences. Trumbull, CT.


March 7, 2007: Participation in Mock IEP sponsored by STEPs, Darien, CT. and facilitated by Attorney Anne Treimanis.


February 26, 2007: Participation in Mock IEP sponsored by NorwalkSEEKS, Norwalk, CT. and facilitated by Attorney Anne Treimanis.


January 2007: Understanding IDEA 2004.  Co-presented with Anne Treimanis, Esq. NorwalkSEEKS, Norwalk, CT.


April 25, 2006: Participation in Mock IEP sponsored by Westport SEPTA, Westport, CT. and facilitated by Attorney Anne Treimanis.


February 8, 2006: Understanding IDEA 2004. Co-presenter with Attorneys Anne Treimanis and Eve Kessler. SCOPES of Stamford, CT.


October 25, 2005: Understanding IDEA 2004. Co-presenter with Attorneys Anne Treimanis and Eve Kessler. Special Education Network of New Canaan, Ltd.


October 19, 2005: CT Coalition for Inclusive Education. Co-presenter with Attorneys Anne Treimanis and Eve Kessler. New Canaan, CT.


May 25, 2005: Understanding IDEA 2004. Co-presenter with Attorneys Anne Treimanis and Eve Kessler. STEPs of Darien. Darien, CT.


October 28, 2004: The Six Principles of IDEA: Focus on FAPE and LRE. Co-presented with Anne Treimanis, Esq. Weston SEPTA, Weston, CT.


October 27, 2004: The Six Principles of IDEA: Focus on FAPE and LRE. Co-presented with Anne Treimanis, Esq., STEPS of Darien, Darien, CT


September 7, 2004: Participation in Mock IEP sponsored by SPED*NET Wilton. Wilton, CT. and facilitated by Attorney Anne Treimanis.


February 25, 2004: Participation in Mock IEP sponsored by Central Connecticut State University and facilitated by Attorney Anne Treimanis.


April 28, 2003: How Can Next Year Be Better? Co presented with Eve Kessler, Esq., Chairperson of the Connecticut Council on Developmental Disabilities, and Anne Treimanis, Esq., special education attorney. SPED*NET, Special Education Network of Wilton, Ltd.  

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